Centre for Policy on Ageing


Who decides? Making decisions on behalf of mentally incapacitated adults
 — a consultation paper issued by the Lord Chancellor's Department
Corporate AuthorLord Chancellor's Department
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, 1997
Pages114 pp (Cm 3803)
SourceThe Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsMental disorder ; Court of protection ; Law ; Government publications.
AnnotationThis Consultation Paper seeks views (and invites comments by 31 March 1998) on a possible framework for providing protection for mentally incapacitated adults and their carers, and for providing an organised framework of law to manage their welfare and affairs. It examines the three key principles which underpin the proposals: capacity, best interest, and the general authority to act reasonably. Other chapters look at advance statements about health care, supervision of medical and research procedures, continuing powers of attorney, decision-making by the court, public law protection for people at risk, and proposals for a new judicial forum. Also included is a summary of the recommendations made by the Law Commission in their report, 'Mental incapacity' (Law Com no 231) (HMSO, 1995).
Accession NumberCPA-980113201 B
ClassmarkE: JVC: VR: 6OA

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