Centre for Policy on Ageing


Population health, pathways into primary care and the use of healthcare
 — Phase 1: A report of reviews
Author(s)Gerry Nicolaas, Anne Rogers, Heather Elliott
Corporate AuthorNational Primary Care Research and Development Centre, University of Manchester
PublisherUniversity of Manchester, Manchester, 1997
Pages14 pp (SR/AF/97)
SourceNational Primary Care Research and Development Centre, University of Manchester, 5th Floor, Williamson Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
KeywordsGeneral practice ; Usage [services] ; Needs [elderly] ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationOnly a small proportion of health problems result in contact with health care professionals in primary care. Consequently, small changes in the population's health care seeking behaviour, or in the accessibility of a service, can produce a large change in workload. The findings of the reviews reported here are in the context of work undertaken in the NPCRDC (National Primary Care Research and Development Centre) programme on Population Health Need and Demand for Primary Care. This summary report is on the first phase of a feasibility study, its objectives being to identify factors shaping the relationship between health need, demand for, and use of primary health care; and to determine the extent to which detailed information on the relationship between illness experience and demand for health care can be provided by or enhancing existing surveys, or conducting a new survey. This report reviews existing health surveys and longitudinal studies. Exploratory work on the design of a panel survey highlighted areas requiring further methodological investigation.
Accession NumberCPA-971202213 B
ClassmarkL5: QLD: IK: 3A:6KC

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