Centre for Policy on Ageing


Charcot's women
 — bodies of knowledge at the interface of aging studies and women studies
Author(s)Stephen Katz
Journal titleJournal of Women & Aging, vol 9, no 4, 1997
Pagespp 73-87
KeywordsOlder women ; Ageing process ; Health [elderly] ; Research.
AnnotationJean-Martin Charcot's "Clinical lectures on the diseases of the old" is recognised as a pioneering nineteenth-century scientific text on old age. Less acknowledged in gerontology are the older women of Paris's Salpêtrière Hospital who were Charcot's research subjects. This article looks at the feminist research on Charcot, hysteria, and the history of the Salpêtrière, and critically examines Charcot's text in this light. The author concludes that the study of Charcot's women can strengthen the growing connection between ageing studies and women's studies.
Accession NumberCPA-971201405 A
ClassmarkBD: BG: CC: 3A

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