Centre for Policy on Ageing


Family matters
 — parents living with children in old age
Author(s)Judith Healy, Stella Yarrow
Corporate AuthorJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF; Community Care; Policy Studies Institute - PSI
PublisherPolicy Press, in association with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Bristol, 1997
Pages98 pp (Community care into practice series)
SourceThe Policy Press, University of Bristol, Rodney Lodge, Grange Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4EA.
KeywordsLiving with family ; Informal care ; Community care ; Policy ; Social surveys.
AnnotationWhile there is considerable research on the decision to enter residential care, little is known about why some parents in old age and their children decide to live in the same household, and how they feel about it. Although the proportion of older people entering residential care has risen, in the mid-1990s, one in ten women in their eighties and over live with adult children. This in-depth study interviewed family members and older parents - aged 65 and over - at home in 24 co-resident households. It explores whether co-residence is due to choice or necessity on the part of elderly parents and their adult children. It also aims to ascertain what assistance households expect and receive from others including community agencies; and to determine whether older parents and their families find co-residence a satisfactory living arrangement. Chapters discuss the literature on co-resident households, the methods used, analysis of material from interviews, and the implications for public policy.
Accession NumberCPA-971201028 B
ClassmarkKA:SJ: P6: PA: QAD: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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