Centre for Policy on Ageing


The retirement adjustment process
 — changes in the well-being of male retirees across time
Author(s)Terry L Gall, David R Evans, John Howard
Journal titleThe Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological sciences and social sciences, vol 52B, no 3, May 1997
Pagespp P110-P117
KeywordsOlder men ; Retirement ; Adjustment ; Health [elderly] ; Well being ; Life satisfaction ; Longitudinal surveys ; Canada.
AnnotationThe purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the impact of retirement, monitor the change in adjustment across time, and identify the resources predictive of short- and long-term adjustment in retirement. A sample of 117 Canadian male retirees was assessed on indices of physical and psychological health, perceived control, retirement satisfaction, and life satisfaction at 2-4 months pre-retirement, 1 year post-, and 6-7 years post-retirement. Results provided support for a positive impact of retirement, as retirees evidenced increases in well-being during the first year. There was also evidence of a retirement adjustment process, in that aspects of well-being (i.e. psychological health) changed from short- to long-term retirement. Finally, physical health, income, and voluntary retirement status predicted short-term adjustment, while internal locus of control was an additional resource for long-term adjustment. Changes in resources over time also differentially predicted short- and long-term adjustment (e.g. an increase in internal locus of control predicted an increase in activity satisfaction at 1 year but not at 6-7 years post-retirement). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-971125247 A
ClassmarkBC: G3: DR: CC: D:F:5HH: F:5HH: 3J: 7S

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