Centre for Policy on Ageing


Verbal knowledge and speed of information processing as mediators of age differences in verbal fluency performance among older adults
Author(s)Janet Bryan, Mary A Luszcz, J R Crawford
Journal titlePsychology and Aging, vol 12, no 3, September 1997
Pagespp 473-478
KeywordsMental speed ; Communication skills ; Over 70s ; Mental ageing ; Performance ; Australia.
AnnotationAge-related declines in verbal fluency among a large sample of older Australians were investigated. Background variables, verbal knowledge, and speed of processing were examined as predictors of verbal fluency and as mediators of age effects. As expected, age-related declines were greater on an excluded letter fluency task than on an initial letter fluency task. Verbal knowledge was a better predictor of initial letter fluency than speed of processing, whereas the reverse was true for excluded letter fluency. However, speed of processing accounted for more of the age-related variance in both fluency measures than other predictors. There was no evidence of verbal knowledge compensating for age-related declines in verbal fluency. Results suggest that verbal fluency performance is well maintained in later life, and that any age-related decline appears to be mainly due to declines in speed of information processing.
Accession NumberCPA-971120274 A
ClassmarkDG: UO: BBK: D6: 5H: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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