Centre for Policy on Ageing


Adverse drug reactions in elderly patients as contributing factor for hospital admission
 — cross sectional study
Author(s)Cyndie K Mannesse, Frans H M Derkx, Maria A J de Ridder
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 315, no 7115, 25 October 1997
Pagespp 1057-1058 (BMJ Aging issue)
KeywordsDrugs ; Admission [hospitals] ; Cross sectional surveys ; Netherlands.
AnnotationAdverse reactions to drugs in elderly patients are a major clinical problem. In this Netherlands study of admissions of patients aged 70 and over to a hospital in Rotterdam, 1 in 6 experienced adverse drug reactions; severe reactions occurred in 24%. This study confirms the view that drug reactions are related to the use of more drugs rather than the presence of more diagnoses. Mild drug reactions were well recognised by these patients, but not severe ones.
Accession NumberCPA-971118411 A
ClassmarkLLD: LD:QKH: 3KB: 76H *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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