Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people in London: evidence from the 1991 Census, the National Health Service central register and population projections
 — a research report for the King's Fund London Commission : executive summary
Author(s)John Hollis, Rachel Leeser
Corporate AuthorLondon Research Centre
PublisherLondon Research Centre, London, July 1996
SourceLondon Research Centre, 81 Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SZ.
KeywordsLiving patterns ; Ill health ; Demography ; Social economics ; London.
AnnotationInformation on older people in London based on the Census is presented on demographic characteristics, households with pensioners, their economic position, housing (including communal establishments), the extent of limiting long-term illness, and demographic change.
Accession NumberCPA-971118228 P
ClassmarkK7: CH: S8: W4: 82L *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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