Centre for Policy on Ageing


Managing with integrity for long term care
 — the key to success for building stability in staffing
Author(s)K J Langlais
PublisherMcGraw-Hill, New York, 1997
Pages247 pp
SourceMcGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Shoppenhangers Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 2QL.
KeywordsPersonnel ; Care home staff ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Long term ; Staff turnover ; Management [care] ; United States of America.
AnnotationLong-term care facilities often have a high staff turnover, which may be explained by low wages, inadequate training and high stress. This book, aimed at managers, gives advice on how to improve staff retention levels through effective recruiting, developing an effective induction and training programme, dealing with communication and confrontation, organising departments and operating budgets, and developing quality assurance programmes that meet the regulatory standards in the United States (US).
Accession NumberCPA-971104204 B
ClassmarkQM: QRM: KW: LHB: 4Q: WJ7: QA: 7T

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