Centre for Policy on Ageing


Formal and informal frameworks for teaching geriatrics
Author(s)Arnold J Rosin, Leah Abramowitz
Journal titleEducational Gerontology, vol 23, no 2, March 1997
Pagespp 91-103
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Medical workers ; Teaching hospitals ; Teaching methods ; Curricula.
AnnotationGeriatrics has developed as a discipline with the increasing health care needs of an ageing population, and the resulting interest in and research on ageing in medical, nursing and paramedical professions. However, education in geriatrics has been slow to develop, because of attitudes of 'ageism', unclear definition of its scientific basis, uncertainty of goals in patient management, and perceived poor prospects for professional advancement. This article reviews progress in geriatric education curriculum for the health professions. Most is carried out in non-formal frameworks, of which two examples are given: a study centre that has developed as an adjunct to a manpower committee of a national organisation for service planning for the elderly; and a geriatric institute alongside an active geriatric unit in a general hospital, in which practical as well as theoretical knowledge is taught, with an emphasis on values and ethics.
Accession NumberCPA-971030217 A
ClassmarkCC: QT: V6: VB: V9C

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