Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gerontological training in APA accredited clinical and counseling psychology programs
Author(s)Mark E Johnson, Rosellen M Rosich
Journal titleEducational Gerontology, vol 23, no 1, January-February 1997
Pagespp 37-51
KeywordsAgeing process ; Mental health [elderly] ; Advisory services [elderly] ; Psychiatric treatment ; Training [welfare work] ; Postgraduate education ; United States of America.
AnnotationClinical and counselling psychology doctoral programmes accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) were surveyed to assess their coverage of gerontological issues. A 50% response rate revealed that all departments offered some curricular coverage of these issues; 64% of the departments offered specific coursework in ageing or adult development. Whilst there were opportunities - such as work at gerontology centres - the ageing specialisations, post-doctoral and re-specialisation were extremely limited, and a relatively low number of students had obtained clinical or research experience with this population. There was a perceived low level of need to incorporate additional training in gerontological issues. Although progress has been made, further focus needs to be placed on this issue to meet the growing needs of an ageing population.
Accession NumberCPA-971030213 A
ClassmarkBG: D: IT: LP: QW: V7P: 7T

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