Centre for Policy on Ageing


Skill mix in primary care
 — a study of the interface between the general practitioner and other members of the primary health care team: executive summary
Author(s)Sue Jenkins-Clarke, Roy Carr-Hill, Paul Dixon
Corporate AuthorCentre for Health Economics, Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York; York Health Economics Consortium; NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
PublisherUniversity of York, York, 1997
Pages15 pp
SourceThe Publications Office, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York YO1 5DD.
KeywordsPrimary health care teams ; General practitioners ; Coordination ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThis study documents the current pattern of activities and interactions between the general practitioner (GP) and other members of the primary health care team (PHCT), and assesses the potential for some of the GP's activities to be performed by other members of the PCHT. It examines GPs' attitudes towards delegation, of the practice managers and nurses to taking other responsibilities, and everyone's attitude towards team management. The outcomes for patients, their views of different working arrangements, and the costs of delegation in practices of varying sizes were also assessed. Data collected suggest that there is some scope for transferring work away from (expensive) GPs towards (less expensive) nurses and other clinical workers. It appears that effective team working helps with quality of patient care and patient satisfaction, as well as engendering co-operation with other team members.
Accession NumberCPA-971007214 B
ClassmarkL5:QM: QT6: QAJ: 4C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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