Centre for Policy on Ageing


Quebec planners' choice of health promotion indicators
Author(s)A Colvez, M Blanchet, P Lamarche
Journal titleIN: Measurement in health promotion and protection. WHO Regional Office for Europe, 1987., 1987
PublisherWorld Health Organization - WHO, 1987
Pagespp 480-494
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Well being ; Indicators ; Canada.
AnnotationMany measurements of health status rely on mortality or morbidity-related concepts, such as that of years of life lost. The increasing importance of disability, linked mainly to the ever-increasing proportion of older people in many communities, emphasises the importance of 'potential years of well-being'. This concept of life expectancy free from disability' is presented as a planning and evaluation tool in the health programmes of Quebec. (OFFPRINT).
Accession NumberCPA-970930221 A
ClassmarkCC: D:F:5HH: 3RI: 7S *

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