Centre for Policy on Ageing


Retirement from tied housing
 — a review of housing providers' policies
Author(s)David Wilson
Corporate AuthorAge Concern Scotland; Scottish Council for Single Homeless
PublisherAge Concern Scotland, Edinburgh, 1997
Pages42 pp
SourceAge Concern Scotland, Leonard Small House, 113 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DT.
KeywordsTied accommodation ; Retirement ; Rented dwellings ; Local Authority Housing ; Housing Associations ; Policy ; Literature reviews ; Scotland.
AnnotationThis report focuses on Scotland in examining difficulties faced by people who live in tied housing when they come to retire. Some may be allowed to stay on in accommodation which they have occupied during their working lives, but the majority will require access to affordable rented housing. This report summarises the trends in lettings by local authorities and housing associations, and highlights areas where the pressure exerted by tied dwellings in the public sector stock is highest. The report recommends that local authorities and housing associations should review their policies on waiting lists and 'no fault' clauses. Landlord employers have responsibilities as well. The appendix includes a review of previous research on tied housing.
Accession NumberCPA-970924218 B
ClassmarkKEL: G3: KEE: KJA: KKH: QAD: 64A: 9A

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