Centre for Policy on Ageing


Public policy options to assist older workers: what role for public policy in combating age discrimination in employment? a survey of opinion formers in the European Union; [and]
 — Age discrimination in employment: a survey of opinion formers in the United Kingdom
Author(s)Elizabeth Drury, Philip Taylor, Alan Walker
Corporate AuthorEurolink Age
PublisherEurolink Age, London, 1997
Pages87 pp
SourceEurolink Age, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsEmployment of older people ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Social policy ; European Union ; Social surveys ; Europe.
AnnotationThe first survey asked opinion formers views on five proposed policy options: attitudes towards age discrimination in employment; legislation or other public policies directly aimed at combatting age discrimination; older unemployed and job-seekers; recruitment and in-company training by employers; and early exit from employment and retirement age. There was active support for labour market measures to promote employment. Anti-age discrimination had less support. In the UK survey (by Philip Taylor and Alan Walker), measures favoured were: comprehensive age discrimination legislation; action at European level; more education and awareness campaigns; financial incentives to encourage phased or flexible retirement; public policy measures to help older people re-enter the labour market; giving older people the same employment rights; and more emphasis on lifetime learning and training programmes to help with employability.
Accession NumberCPA-970911003 B
ClassmarkGC: TOB: TM2: WFC: 3F: 74

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