Centre for Policy on Ageing


Environmental hazards in the homes of older people
Author(s)Susan E Carter, Elizabeth M Campbell, Rob W Sanson-Fisher
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 26, no 3, May 1997
Pagespp 195-202
KeywordsHazards ; Over 70s ; Living in the community ; Cross cultural surveys ; Australia.
AnnotationThis Australian study was carried out as part of the Seniors' Injury Prevention (SIP) Project. Participants were asked about home safety issues. Home safety inspections indicated that 80% of homes had at least one hazard; 39% had more than five. The bathroom was identified as the most hazardous room. Hazards relating to floor surfaces and absence of grab or hand rails were prevalent. 80% of participants identified falls as the most common cause of injury, and 87% were able to name at least one safety measure. Logistic regression analysis identified one variable - contact with healthcare service providers - as predictive of hazard level: older people who were never visited by service providers were twice as likely to have more than 5 hazards as those who were visited weekly or more often. As yet, no causal link has been established between the presence of environmental hazards and falls in older people.
Accession NumberCPA-970905004 A
ClassmarkOK7: BBK: K4: 3KA: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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