Centre for Policy on Ageing


Building a future retirement
 — towards a policy agenda
Author(s)Maria Evandrou
Journal titleIn: Baby boomers: ageing in the 21st century; edited by Maria Evandrou, 1997
PublisherAge Concern England, London, 1997
Pagespp 165-180
SourceAge Concern England, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsRetirement ; Social policy ; Long term.
AnnotationLittle attention has been paid to the likely socio-economic characteristics of the baby boom generations in the first few decades of the 21st century, and how they they may differ from previous generations of older people. The baby boomers have experienced patterns of family life, work, housing and health that are different from today's older people. The implications of these trends and experiences for the baby boomers in retirement, both in terms of their needs for income support, health and social care and in their quality of life are outlined. The baby boomers themselves must ensure that issues regarding their retirement prospects are debated, options evaluated, and long-term planning embarked upon. They will form a large part of the electorate, which no future government would be wise to ignore.
Accession NumberCPA-970828010 A
ClassmarkG3: TM2: 4Q

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