Centre for Policy on Ageing


Housing options in 2020
 — a suitable home for all?
Author(s)Robin Means
Journal titleIn: Baby boomers: ageing in the 21st century; edited by Maria Evandrou, 1997
PublisherAge Concern England, London, 1997
Pagespp 142-164
SourceAge Concern England, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsHousing [elderly] ; Owner occupied dwellings ; Rented dwellings ; Social policy.
AnnotationThe three main housing problems likely to face older baby boomers are availability, affordability and disrepair. They will need a home where they can feel relaxed and secure. Housing options will need to be developed to maximise the ability to make a genuine home in whatever accommodation option is chosen. The author considers the increase in owner-occupation in later life and analyses the implication of this for housing needs in 2020. Social and private renting will continue as major housing tenures into the 21st century, and will attract a high proportion of older baby boomers on low incomes. Current housing policy is dominated by concerns about the relationship between housing and the broader economy - which makes it difficult to respond to the needs of groups such as older people.
Accession NumberCPA-970828009 A
ClassmarkKE: KEA: KEE: TM2

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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