Centre for Policy on Ageing


The medical administrative role of medical directors and advisory physicians in Ontario nursing homes and homes for the aged
Author(s)Cathy Charles, E Ann Mohide, Marguerite Neimanis
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 14, no 4, Winter 1995
Pagespp 657-685
KeywordsMedical care ; Management [care] ; Doctors ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Social surveys ; Canada.
AnnotationA postal survey of medical administrators in Ontario's nursing homes (NHs) and homes for the aged (HMAs) was undertaken in 1991, to explore the types and extent of medical-administrative activities undertaken by these physicians and their perceptions of skills, attitudes and knowledge that were important in carrying out their roles. Three key findings emerged from the survey. First, considerable variation exists in the extent of medical administrative activities undertaken within each of the two facility types and, in some cases, across the two facility types. Second, there were few activities which 75% or more of medical administrators reported undertaking on all occasions, and many activities which 25% or more of physicians reported not undertaking on any occasion. Third, in general, medical administrators did not express values congruent with adoption of a broader management role in facility administration, financing and planning activities. Research and policy implications for the evolving role of medical administrators in NHs and HFAs are discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-970821274 A
ClassmarkLK: QA: QT2: LHB: KW: 3F: 7S

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