Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elderly people: [social care in the European Union]
Author(s)Gillian Crosby
Corporate AuthorCentre for Policy on Ageing - CPA
Journal titleResearch Matters International, Special issue, 1997, 1997
PublisherCommunity Care, Sutton, 1997
Pagespp 6-8
SourceCommunity Care/Research Matters, Subscriptions, Freepost RCC2619, Reed Business Publishing, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 3BR.
KeywordsServices ; Social work ; Organisation of care ; Domiciliary services ; Ageing process ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Anxiety ; European Union ; Literature reviews ; Europe.
AnnotationSocial care means different things in each EU country, but three pieces of research raise issues which should inform the practice of all staff. 'Social care in Europe', edited by Brian Munday and Peter Ely (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996) points to variations in home care systems. Alan Walker and Tony Maltby, in 'Ageing Europe' (Open University Press, 1997), explain the background to the Eurobarometer survey of public attitudes to ageing and older people; they propose a strategy to promote social integration, based on the concept of 'productive ageing' which could help in containing pension and health care costs. Linda Hunt, Mary Marshall and Cherry Rowlings, in 'Past trauma in later life: European perspectives on therapeutic work with older people' (Jessica Kingsley, 1997) suggest how behavioural difficulties could be resolved if the caring professions paid more attention to older people's traumatic experiences.
Accession NumberCPA-970815001 A
ClassmarkI: IG: P: N: BG: TOB: ENP: WFC: 64A: 74

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