Centre for Policy on Ageing


Lifelong learning in England and Wales
 — an overview and guide to issues arising from the European Year of Lifelong Learning
Author(s)Alan Tuckett
Corporate AuthorNational Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE; Department for Education and Employment - DfEE; European Year of Lifelong Learning
PublisherNIACE, Leicester, 1997
Pages34 pp
SourceNIACE, 21 De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GE.
KeywordsAdult Education ; Projects.
AnnotationThis paper results from the role NIACE played as UK Information Office for the European Year of Lifelong Learning in 1996. It attempts to reflect European Union, UK and practitioner perspectives in an overview which introduces the policy debate affecting lifelong learning in England and Wales. It gives some examples of European Year projects in the UK, to indicate the range of activity in lifelong learning, from initiatives by national bodies, to those in specific local communities.
Accession NumberCPA-970812280 B
ClassmarkGP: 3E

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