Centre for Policy on Ageing


Psychiatric symptoms of dementia among elderly people with learning disabilities
Author(s)Sally-Ann Cooper
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 12, no 6, June 1997
Pagespp 662-666
KeywordsPsychoses ; Depression ; Symptoms ; Cognitive impairment ; Dementia ; Social surveys ; Leicestershire.
Annotation134 people aged 65 and over with learning disabilities - including 29 with dementia - in Leicestershire participated in this study, which used a semi-structured rating scale. Psychotic symptoms occurred in 27.6%, with the most common being delusions of thefts, other persecutory delusions and visual hallucinations of strangers in the house. The onset of other psychiatric symptoms as part of dementia was also common, in particular changed sleep pattern, loss of concentration, worry, reduced quantity of speech, change in appetite, and onset of or increase in aggression. People with learning difficulties are living longer, and so the number with dementia is rising. Psychiatric symptoms occur commonly in dementia, can cause significant distress, and require recognition, understanding and the development of effective managements.
Accession NumberCPA-970807247 A
ClassmarkEL: ENR: CT: E4: EA: 3F: 8LE

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