Centre for Policy on Ageing


Residents' committees
 — role and value in care homes
Author(s)Malcolm Allen, Noreen Ritchie
Corporate AuthorRegistration and Inspection Unit, Eastern Health and Social Services Board; University of Ulster
PublisherUniversity of Ulster, Colraine, Co Londonderry, 1995
Pages39 pp
SourceRegistration and Inspection Unit, McKinney House, Musgrave Park Hospital, Stockmans Lane, Belfast BT2 8BS.
KeywordsResidents [care homes] ; Committees ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Care home staff ; Social surveys ; Northern Ireland.
AnnotationAt the outset of this report, the value of residents' committees to residents in care homes was questioned. From the perspective of senior staff working in the homes surveyed, the overwhelming view is that committees are of benefit as an aid to resident participation in the life of the home. Most of the care homes in the Eastern Health and Social Services Board did not have residents' committees. The report does not necessarily recommend their establishment in every case: they would be of limited value in homes with high dependency levels. The limitation of this report in representing only the views of senior staff and not residents is acknowledged. The aim is that the findings serve to inform as to the functioning and perceived purpose of committees, and to act as a spur to homes to seriously consider their implementation.
Accession NumberCPA-970729220 B
ClassmarkKX: Q5: KW: LHB: QRM: 3F: 9Y

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