Centre for Policy on Ageing


The dynamics of income and deprivation of three generations of the elderly
 — paper presented the third European Congress of Gerontology, August 30 - September 2 1995
Author(s)Ruud Muffels, Henk-Jan Dirven, Didier Fouarge
Corporate AuthorWork and Organisation Research Center, Tilburg University
PublisherTilburg University, Tilburg, 1995
Pages21 pp
KeywordsPoor elderly ; Income [older people] ; Social policy ; Longitudinal surveys ; Netherlands.
AnnotationThis paper examines the extent to which those in the Netherlands aged 55 and over belonging to the various generations have gained from the general welfare increase, in terms of real income growth and reduced poverty and deprivation risks.
Accession NumberCPA-970715213 P
ClassmarkF:W6: JF: TM2: 3J: 76H *

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