Centre for Policy on Ageing


Guide to the requirements for text communication equipment for use by hearing-impaired people and others
Corporate AuthorWorking Group for the Hearing-Impaired, Office of Telecommunications (OFTEL)
PublisherOFTEL, London, 1987
Pages4 pp (WGHI (87) 35)
KeywordsHearing Impairment ; Communication ; Computers.
AnnotationHearing impaired people who are unable to use the telephone can communicate over the public switched network using suitable keyboards, modems and receiving equipment. This guide defines the preferred transmission standards, the character set and protocols to which keyboards and receiving equipment used by people with impaired hearing should conform. It aims to encourage the supply or adaptation of equipment for the technically inexperienced to make the best use of text communication.
Accession NumberCPA-970708226 P
ClassmarkBV: U: 3O *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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