Centre for Policy on Ageing


Progression to dementia in patients with isolated memory loss
Author(s)James Bowen, Linda Teri, Walter Kukell
Journal titleThe Lancet, vol 349, no 9054, 15 March 1997
Pagespp 763-765
KeywordsDementia ; Cognitive impairment ; Diagnosis.
AnnotationThe diagnosis of dementia requires both memory loss and at least one other type of cognitive impairment. The natural history of patients with severe memory loss but no other cognitive impairment is poorly understood. The authors studied progression to dementia in patients with isolated memory loss: neuropsychological tests did not predict which ones would progress to dementia. Patients with a severe isolated memory loss have an increased risk of developing dementia and should be closely followed up.
Accession NumberCPA-970530006 A
ClassmarkEA: E4: LK7 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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