Centre for Policy on Ageing


Burden and well-being
 — the same coin or related currency?
Author(s)Jon C Stuckey, Marcia Neundorfer, Kathleen A Smyth
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 36, no 5, October 1996
Pagespp 686-693
KeywordsFamily care ; Well being ; Dementia ; Correlation ; Measurement.
AnnotationTo examine whether caregiver burden and general well-being are opposite sides of the same coin or distinct constructs, the authors compared burden (in physical, mental, financial, and social domains) and well-being (in the same domains, but with separate objective and subjective measures). The domains of burden and well-being were examined first as correlates of one another, second as correlates of antecedents in the caregiving situation, and finally, as predictors of likelihood to institutionalise. The authors conclude that burden and well-being are not opposites, but are complementary, each useful for tapping unique facets of the caregiving experience.
Accession NumberCPA-970528014 A
ClassmarkP6:SJ: D:F:5HH: EA: 49: 3R

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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