Centre for Policy on Ageing


Dealing with a death in the family
 — how to manage the emotional and practical difficulties surrounding a death
Author(s)Sylvia Murphy
PublisherHow To Books, Oxford, 1997
Pages128 pp (How To Books)
SourcePlymbridge Distributors Ltd., Estover, Plymouth, PL6 7PZ.
KeywordsDeath ; Bereavement ; The Family ; Funeral services ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationThis book explains the legal and social arrangements as to what needs to be done at every stage from the realisation of approaching death, to registering the death, arranging an appropriate funeral, obtaining probate for a will, disposing of personal effects, and the grieving and recovering process.
Accession NumberCPA-970514202 B
ClassmarkCW: DW: SJ: OX: 69N

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