Centre for Policy on Ageing


Developments in national family policies in 1995
Author(s)John Ditch, Helen Barnes, Jonathan Bradshaw
Corporate AuthorEuropean Observatory on National Family Policies
PublisherSocial Policy Research Unit, University of York, York, 1996
Pages189 pp (Employment and Social Affairs: Social Protection and Social Action)
SourceEuropean Observatory on National Family Policies, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Goodricke College, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD.
KeywordsThe Family ; Social policy ; European Union ; Western Europe ; Belgium ; Denmark ; Germany ; Greece ; Spain ; France ; Ireland ; Italy ; Luxembourg ; Netherlands ; Austria ; Portugal ; Finland ; Sweden.
AnnotationThis is one of two volumes produced each year, one of which describes changes in the circumstances of families and the policies which impact upon them, and a second, more analytical and thematic in approach, which seeks to compare developments on a cross-national basis. This volume describes trends in national family policies in 1995, and is different in structure from previous reports. It examines each European Union member state's developments in turn - rather than by particular topic - which enables each author to reflect national differences and diversity of family experience. It concludes with a section highlighting specific topics, including care of older people.
Accession NumberCPA-970502002 B
ClassmarkSJ: TM2: WFC: 76: 76E: 76K: 767: 76X: 76S: 765: 763: 76V: 76F: 76H: 76A: 76T: 76L: 76P

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