Centre for Policy on Ageing


Anxiety about aging
 — a neglected dimension of caregivers' experiences
Author(s)Karla Scroggin Wullschleger, Dale A Lund, Michael S Caserta, Scott D Wright
Journal titleJournal of Gerontological Social Work, vol 26, nos 3/4, 1996
Pagespp 3-18
KeywordsFamily care ; Spouses ; Anxiety ; Stress ; Ageing process ; Measurement ; Variance analysis ; Australasia.
AnnotationThis study examined the relationship between caregiving burden and the caregivers' anxiety about their own ageing in a US national sample of 894 caregivers. As expected, higher levels of burden were associated with greater anxiety about ageing. Comments from caregivers also help to understand their anxieties. The relationship was even stronger for caregivers with loved ones living in nursing homes. Spouses had the greatest anxiety scores. Implications for recognising other longer-term consequences of caregiving are discussed. Those who work with caregiving families need to assess a broader range of potential problems and help arrange for cost-effective services to meet these needs.
Accession NumberCPA-970425001 A
ClassmarkP6:SJ: SN: ENP: QNH: BG: 3R: 3YA: 7Y

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