Centre for Policy on Ageing


Hearing the despair: the reality of elder abuse
 — a summary of the evaluation of the Elder Abuse Response Line project
Corporate AuthorAction on Elder Abuse; Family Policy Studies Centre - FPSC
PublisherAction on Elder Abuse, London, 1997
Pages4 pp
SourceAction on Elder Abuse, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsElder abuse ; Telephone ; Information services ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe Elder Abuse Response Line is a confidential telephone helpline providing information and support for anyone concerned about the abuse of an older person. It was run as a pilot project for 12 months from October 1995, and was publicised extensively in Camden, Hampshire, Lewisham and Rochdale. Action on Elder Abuse evaluated use of the service during the pilot, and the Family Policy Studies Centre assessed the impact of the helpline in pilot sites, and implications for the organisation of any future service. During the project, 550 calls were received, of which 60% were about specific incidents of abuse: psychological, physical, financial, sexual and abuse by neglect. Helpline workers provided general information and emotional support to older people, their friends and relatives, and paid workers. Plans are being made to launch a national freephone service by the end of 1997; meanwhile, the service operates on weekday afternoons.
Accession NumberCPA-970423224 P
ClassmarkQNT: UJ: UV: 4C *

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