Centre for Policy on Ageing


Post-reform community care for elderly people
 — who gets how much of what service?
Author(s)Bleddyn Davies, José Fernandez, Raymond Warburton
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
Journal titleCare Plan, vol 3, no 2, December 1996
Pagespp 25-30
KeywordsCommunity care ; Domiciliary services ; Care homes ; Needs [elderly] ; Costs [care] ; Grant allocation.
AnnotationA major PSSRU study (ECCEP - Evaluating Community Care for Elderly People) in 12 areas of England and Wales is beginning to answer questions on needs-related community care, the effects of services and their costs. This article presents some first results, on: costs to the SSD (social service department) and CHS (community health service) by interval need and informal support; influences on who is allocated home care and who residential care; and the influence of need dimensions and initial care packages.
Accession NumberCPA-970418007 A
ClassmarkPA: N: KW: IK: QDC: QCG

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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