Centre for Policy on Ageing


Kilburn Older People's Safety Project
 — interim report
Corporate AuthorOlder People's Health Development Project, Camden Healthy Cities
PublisherCamden Healthy Cities, London, March 1994
Pages18 pp
SourceCamden Healthy Cities, c/o Voluntary Action Camden, Instrument House, 207-215 King's Cross Road, London WClX 9DB.
KeywordsSafety services ; Camden.
AnnotationThe Kilburn Safety Project was developed as a collaborative initiative between communities, community workers and service providers, to assess ways of improving safety for older people. This report aimed to highlight the concerns expressed by older people - in focus group discussions and at a safety information day - and the support they need to feel safer at home and in the community. What emerged is a picture of older people aiming to maintain their independence for as long as possible and needing support for them to succeed. Environmental factors limit their ability to maintain activities and mobility; and fear of crime and violence limits their independence.
Accession NumberCPA-970415213 P
ClassmarkOK: 82L8

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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