Centre for Policy on Ageing


"Your money, your rights"
 — older people's welfare rights information day, 16th March 1995
Corporate AuthorOlder People's Health Development Project, Camden Healthy Cities
PublisherCamden Healthy Cities, London, [1996?]
Pages16 pp (excluding appendices)
SourceCamden Healthy Cities, c/o Voluntary Action Camden, Instrument House, 207-215 King's Cross Road, London WClX 9DB.
KeywordsRights [elderly] ; Financial services [older people] ; Health services ; Information services ; Advisory services [elderly] ; Camden.
AnnotationCamden Healthy Cities is part of the World Health Organization's Health for All by the Year 2000 Programme, and works with older people, co-ordinating and supporting activities regarding their health. The aims of the information day reported on were: to bring benefit entitlement to the attention of older people; and to provide older people with individual advice and information on a wide range of issues - from pensions, to welfare rights, to housing benefits, to information about health services and health rights.
Accession NumberCPA-970415212 P
ClassmarkIKR: J: L: UV: IT: 82L8

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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