Centre for Policy on Ageing


Effect of ageing upon warfarin dose requirements
 — a longitudinal study
Author(s)H A Wynne, F Kamali, C Edwards, A Long
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 25, no 6, November 1996
Pagespp 429-431
KeywordsBiological ageing ; Thrombosis ; Embolism ; Drugs ; Clinical surveys ; Longitudinal surveys.
AnnotationThis study concerns patients stabilised on warfarin for a median period of 10 years for prophylaxis of thromboembolic disease. The relationship between change in dose requirements and ageing is in good agreement with that established by cross-sectional studies, suggesting that no major birth cohort effect is influencing requirements in our warfarin-treated population.
Accession NumberCPA-970326013 A
ClassmarkBH: CQJ: CQK: LLD: 3G: 3J

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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