Centre for Policy on Ageing


The effect of senior auditors on college classes
 — an assessment by faculty members
Author(s)William C Hays, Judith A Hays
Journal titleEducational Gerontology, vol 22, no 7, October - November 1996
Pagespp 693-709
KeywordsConcessions [financial] ; Students ; Courses ; Universities ; Teachers ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis study by questionnaire examines attitudes of a US university's academic staff to the behaviour of older people attending their classes for free, in comparison to younger students. Findings indicate that older people are conscientious, most attending classes regularly and some completing written assignments and taking tests. Staff indicated that older attendees make a positive difference in class, learn as quickly as younger students, and are more motivated. Most staff respondents felt that the free programme offered older students something of value.
Accession NumberCPA-970312018 A
ClassmarkJL: XN: VE: V5: XP: 4C: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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