Centre for Policy on Ageing


Assessment of elderly people in general practice
 — 4: Depression, functional ability and contact with services
Author(s)Steve Iliffe, Sharon See Tai, Andrew Haines, Angela Booroff
Journal titleBritish Journal of General Practice, vol 43, September 1993
Pagespp 371-374
KeywordsDepression ; Self care capacity ; Mobility ; General practice ; Health visiting ; Home care services ; Drugs ; Evaluation ; Brent ; Islington.
AnnotationThis study of a random sample of 239 people aged 75 and over from general practices in Brent and Islington examines the interrelationship between depression, physical disability and contact with services. Depression was found to be significantly associated with being a women, and inability to perform a number of activities of daily living. Consumption of three or more prescribed medicines, a home visit by the GP in the previous three months, and contact with health visitors and home helps were all significantly more likely among depressed patients. Contact with services was mainly associated with loss of mobility, although contact with home helps was independently associated with depression, when adjustment was made for functional impairment.
Accession NumberCPA-970228001 A
ClassmarkENR: CA: C4: L5: N8: NH: LLD: 4C: 82L6: 82LK *

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