Centre for Policy on Ageing


Group residences for older adults
 — physical features, policies, and social climate
Author(s)Rudolf H Moos, Sonne Lemke
PublisherOxford University Press, New York, 1994
Pages285 pp
SourceOxford University Press, Inc., Business Office, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, North Carolina 27513, USA.
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Living in groups in institutions ; Neighbourhoods, communities etc ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe impact of the residential environment is of particular concern for many older people who live in group settings. The authors describe their development of the Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure (MEAP) in the US, to measure important characteristics of settings. They use descriptive information about the physical resources, policies and services, and social climate of facilities, to help understand how aspects of the environment are related, how resources are allocated to older people based on their social characteristics and current functioning, how environmental factors influence residents' lives, and how these residential settings might be improved.
Accession NumberCPA-970226215 B
ClassmarkKLA: KW: LHB: KAB: RH: 4C: 7T

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