Centre for Policy on Ageing


Review of effectiveness of health promotion interventions to prevent accidents in older people
 — report for the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination/Health Education Authority
Author(s)Ann Oakley, Merry France-Dawson, Deirdre Fullerton, Janet Holland
Corporate AuthorSocial Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London; South East Institute for Public Health, UMDS, University of London
PublisherSocial Science Research Unit, London, May 1995
Pages86 pp
SourceSocial Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WClH OAL.
KeywordsAccident prevention ; Falls ; Preventative medicine ; Exercise ; Diet.
AnnotationThis review identifies interventions for the prevention of falls, their recurrence, and injury, disability and death resulting from falls. It recommends evaluation of these interventions for their effectiveness and cost of implementation: exercise; medical and pharmaceutical assessment of those most at risk from falling; home safety checks with environmental modification; vitamin D and calcium supplementation; and external hip protectors for frail nursing home residents. Advice about accident prevention should be disseminated to older people - for example through old people's clubs - and to those working with older people in health and social services, and the independent and voluntary sectors.
Accession NumberCPA-970226212 B
ClassmarkOQ: OLF: LK2: CEA: CFD

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