Centre for Policy on Ageing


Developing partnerships in mental health
 — presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DoH
PublisherThe Stationery Office (HMSO), London, February 1997
Pages34 pp (Cm 3555) (includes Executive Summary of same title)
SourceThe Publications Centre, PO Box 276 London SW8 5DT. Further copies of the Executive Summary from: Department of Health, PO Box 410, Wetherby LS23 7LN.
KeywordsMental disorder ; Health services ; Psychiatric treatment ; Services ; Social policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationThis Green Paper reviews the progress in developing partnerships between purchasers of mental health and social care services. It sets out four options for organisational change: creating new mental health and social care authorities to plan and purchase mental health and social care services only; designating either health or local authorities with single authority responsibility for planning, and purchasing mental health and social care services; establishing a joint health and social care body with a shared budget to fund mental health and social care services; or agreed delegation by health and local authorities of particular functions or responsibilities to each other, transferring funds where appropriate. Comments on these proposals should be submitted by 9 May 1997, to: NHS Executive Headquarters, Mental Health Branch, Room 325, Wellington House, 135-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG.
Accession NumberCPA-970226211 B
ClassmarkE: L: LP: I: TM2: 6OA

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