Centre for Policy on Ageing


Behind closed doors
 — inside views of sheltered housing
Author(s)John Percival
Journal titleGenerations Review, vol 6, no 4, December 1996
Pagespp 5-7
KeywordsTenants ; Sheltered housing ; Mental disorder ; Attitude ; Social contacts ; Social interaction ; Anchor Trust ; Interviewing ; London.
AnnotationThis paper reports on a pilot study of life in sheltered housing. The scheme, in central London, houses tenants whose behaviour suggested long-standing mental health problems. An ethnographic approach incorporating discussions, interviews and observations explored the relevance of social interaction, or its lack, to their quality of life.
Accession NumberCPA-970221005 A
ClassmarkKET: KLA: E: DP: TOA: TMA: KKHAN: 3DL: 82L

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