Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social service provision for destitute asylum seekers under the National Assistance Act 1948
 — update
Corporate AuthorRefugee Advisers Support Unit - RASU, Refugee Council
PublisherRefugee Council, London, 1996
Pages3 pp + appendix (Bulletin RASU/12.96/H3)
SourceRefugee Council, 3 Bondway, London SW8 1SJ.
KeywordsRefugees ; Law ; Local Authority ; Accessibility.
AnnotationThis bulletin looks at the duties of local authorities to provide services under this Act, following the withdrawal of benefit under the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996, and a subsequent High Court ruling. Local authorities have appealed against this decision. A sample referral letter to local authority social service departments is included.
Accession NumberCPA-970212012 A
ClassmarkTIA: VR: PE: 5CA *

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