Centre for Policy on Ageing


Deinstitutionalization and community living
 — intellectual disability services in Britain, Scandinavia and the USA
Author(s)Jim Mansell, Kent Ericsson
PublisherChapman and Hall, London, 1996
Pages289 pp
SourceChapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN.
KeywordsMental disorder ; Institutional accommodation ; Closure ; Community work ; Living in the community ; Community care ; The Family ; United Kingdom ; Scandinavia ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis book reviews the changes in service provision for the intellectually disabled in the UK, Scandinavia and the USA in the last 25 years, with the closure of institutions and the move towards community-based services. It discusses the closure process at service and national levels, examines models of community services such as 'supported living' and care in the community, and describes the impact of de-institutionalisation on service users and its effect on their families.
Accession NumberCPA-970206215 B
ClassmarkE: KV: 5YW: IGC: K4: PA: SJ: 8: 76G: 7T

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