Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people and the arts
 — case studies
Corporate AuthorAge and Opportunity
PublisherAge and Opportunity, Dublin, 1996
Pages22 pp
SourceAge & Opportunity, St Joseph's Building, Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9, Eire.
KeywordsCultural activities ; Participation ; Ireland.
AnnotationAccess to artistic activity can be a liberating experience for older people. The case study projects in this report - Boyle Active Age Group, LV Book Club, Cork, and the Irish Museum of Modern Art/Inchicore Art Group, Dublin - were selected as promoting positive attitudes to ageing by encouraging the active participation of older people. This publication was produced with the support of the European Commission and the National Co-ordinating Committee of the 1993 European Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations; and based on research undertaken by Laura Fargher during 1993, and updated by John Cullen and Judith Wilkinson.
Accession NumberCPA-970114216 B
ClassmarkH4: TMB: 763

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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