Centre for Policy on Ageing


Relative comfort
 — a survey of the elderly discharged from hospital
Corporate AuthorSteering Group, South Thames (West) Association of Community Health Councils
PublisherSouth Thames (West) Association of Community Health Councils, Surrey, 1996
Pages59 pp
SourceSouth Thames Association of Community Health Councils, 22 Connaught Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3BB.
KeywordsDischarged patients ; Discharge [hospitals] ; Needs indicators ; Community Health Councils ; Social surveys ; South East England.
AnnotationResults of a questionnaire survey to 11 community health councils in the South East, to assess the extent to which appropriate discharge procedures were made for patients over the age of 65 from the acute sector to home. The findings show that older patients, female patients, those who live alone, emergency admissions, those in hospital for a longer time, and those from ethnic minorities have more needs, and more of these needs are not met. Almost half reported having had no discussion about the sort of help they might need when they went home. Unmet needs tended to be social rather than medical - most commonly shopping, housework and transport. Other significant points are: the part played by family, friends and neighbours in looking after patients at home; and health and social services need to be sure that patients have appropriate support when they go home.
Accession NumberCPA-961205212 B
ClassmarkLFD: LD:QKJ: IK:3RI: PCHC: 3F: 82Z

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