Centre for Policy on Ageing


Community services
 — health
Author(s)M Pushpangadan, E Burns
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 313, no 7060, 28 September 1996
Pagespp 805-808 (Caring for Older People)
KeywordsHealth services ; Community care ; Assistive technology ; Domiciliary services.
AnnotationMany frail or disabled elderly people are now being maintained in the community, partially at least as a consequence of the Community Care Act 1993. This paper, the twelfth (it purports to be the last) in a series of 14 on the theme, Caring for older people, details the work of the major health professionals who are involved in caring for older people in the community. It describes how to access nursing, palliative care, continence, mental health, Hospital at Home, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, equipment, and optical, dental and dietetic services. In many areas, services are evolving to meet needs, and some examples of innovative practice are included.
Accession NumberCPA-961129001 A
ClassmarkL: PA: M: N

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