Centre for Policy on Ageing


Urban trends in England
 — latest evidence from the 1991 Census
Author(s)David Atkins, Tony Champion, Mike Coombes
Corporate AuthorHousing and Society Research Group, Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne; Department of the Environment - DOE
PublisherHMSO - (The Stationery Office), London, 1996
Pages251 pp (Urban research report)
SourceHMSO Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsCensus ; Urban areas ; Ethnic groups ; Poverty.
AnnotationUsing the 1981 and 1991 Censuses, six interrelated topics are examined in detail: changing urban structures; area profiles; migration; travel to work areas and work patterns; ethnic minorities; and multiple deprivation.
Accession NumberCPA-961126205 B
ClassmarkS4C(1991): RK: TK: W6

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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