Centre for Policy on Ageing


Day care service for the aged and infirm in their own homes
 — report of an experiment in St. Pancras from September 1961 to March 1963
Author(s)B E Astbury , K M Slack
Corporate AuthorLondon Council of Social Service, Standing Conference for Old People's Welfare (Greater London)
PublisherNational Council of Social Service - NCSS, London, 1963
Pages48 pp
KeywordsDay services ; Camden.
AnnotationReports on a scheme submitted to the Trustees of the City Parochial Foundation to promote an experiment for a 'Day Sitter-in Service for Old People'. It was based on the belief that many older people who did not wish to go into a home, but who should not be left alone for long periods, would benefit from domiciliary services, statutory or voluntary.
Accession NumberCPA-961108001 B
ClassmarkNM: 82L8 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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