Centre for Policy on Ageing


Residential provision for people with learning disabilities
 — report of a research study into the costs of village communities
Author(s)Phil Cronshaw
Corporate AuthorEconomics and Operational Research Division, Department of Health - DoH; Personal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
PublisherUniversity of Kent, Canterbury, 1996
Pages37 pp
SourcePSSRU, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF.
KeywordsCognitive impairment ; Housing [elderly] ; Sheltered housing ; Neighbourhoods, communities etc ; Rural areas.
AnnotationThis report attempts to examine the costs quoted in the RESCARE document, 'Made to care', and to compare them with other readily available information on costs of residential provision for people with learning disabilities. There is no clear definition of what constitutes a 'village community', which makes any like-with-like comparisons difficult to achieve. The costs of residential provision for people with a learning disability vary greatly, depending on the level of disability; and there is currently little available information on the costs and quality of various types of residential provision. Further research is recommended, covering a broader range of services and a more detailed analysis of costs and outcomes.
Accession NumberCPA-961024208 B
ClassmarkE4: KE: KLA: RH: RL *

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