Centre for Policy on Ageing


An evaluation of the quality and costs of services for adults with severe learning disabilities and sensory impairments
Author(s)Chris Hatton, Eric Emerson, Janet Robertson, Dawn Henderson
Corporate AuthorHester Adrian Research Centre, University of Manchester
PublisherUniversity of Manchester, Manchester, 1995
Pages70 pp
SourceHester Adrian Research Centre, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
KeywordsCognitive impairment ; Visual impairment ; Hearing Impairment ; Owner occupied dwellings ; Care homes ; Hospital services.
AnnotationPresents the findings of two projects commissioned by the Department of Health to evaluate the quality and costs of four different models of residential service provision for adults with severe learning disabilities and additional sensory impairments.
Accession NumberCPA-960924215 B
ClassmarkE4: BR: BV: KEA: KW: LD

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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